What are the types of marketing content? (all important types are here)

ياسمين خالد July 16, 2024 July 21, 2024
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Marketing content can in no way be reduced to one type. It includes many classifications, each of which includes many types. Each classification is based on a specific characteristic that determines what the types of content are differentiated from. Here and in this article specifically, we will discuss one of these classifications, which is related to the distinction between types of content according to the situation in which it will be presented to the audience, on the one hand. And also the place where it will be displayed on the other hand.


It is considered one of the most important types of marketing content and the most attractive to the audience. This is because they rely on animated visuals to describe information to the audience. This content, on which marketing videos are based, only needs to be well prepared. Implementing it in video form also costs a lot of money, and this must be taken into consideration. Along with the content writer, you need other jobs such as editing, sound installation, performers, and photography. These videos, by the way, may be short or long. It doesn't matter. What is necessary here is that the content be not boring, interesting, and comprehensive of everything that is wanted to be expressed through the content of this video.

Content via social media

This content includes everything written on Facebook, WhatsApp, Telegram, and other social media applications and programs. This content is also joined by the videos and photos published on these applications. This type of content was discussed in a separate section, given that it depends on attracting attention on the one hand. On the other hand, the writer in such applications must specify who should follow up on its content. Moreover, we will find that the criteria for success of the content in such cases are the smoothness of the words and lack of distraction, with the preference for having a comedic sense in what is written.


The primary field for this type of marketing content is blogs, without a doubt. Which are either stand-alone websites or accounts. Or track the websites of product owners and online stores. These blogs serve as attractive factors for dealing with various brands and different stores. This is because it attracts targeted customers with ease. This is because they are at the same time interested in the blog topics. Which they are constantly searching for on the Internet. Therefore, writers of this type of content must keep in mind the need for their content to rank high on search engines. This is done by adding hashtags, SEO, and paying attention to the current trend that is on the minds of target customers.

Info graphic

These are the images that are designed with the marketing content. Here you need short and clear sentences. With extremely strong coordination that attracts the viewer. So that he understands what the design aims to do just by looking at it. It also remains in his mind for a long time. Thus, it will be influential enough to convince the client of the ideas and information that the writer wants to convey to him. This type of content may be less expensive than videos, but it requires a lot of money. In addition to the content writer, there must be a professional designer who gives the image the desired attractive elegance. Such images can also be used with written content. So that it is a summary of the idea being expressed.


This is content that includes audio comments on the product or anything related to its field. Here, this podcast must be careful not to go on too long and focus on the topic. Attributing persuasion to rational evidence, with the necessity of also resorting to emotional persuasion. Remember also that voice over plays an important role, just like the content. Therefore, it must be appropriate to the topic it is presenting. For example, the commentator should not be smiling and laughing while reading about diseases and sad events. Tone of voice can also express the content writer's intended feelings. A single sentence may have more than one meaning and be read in more than one way. Of course, this commentator must read clearly and all his letters must be correct in whatever language he decides to speak on the podcast. As this would make the content easy to understand for those who follow it in general.

Which of the above types of marketing content is better?

It is not possible to answer this question. Because the target customers of product owners differ among themselves in many characteristics. The target customers for skin care products are different from those targeted for nutritional products and foods. Therefore, each of them has a special type of marketing content that suits it but not the other. But at the same time, we emphasize that the best marketing content is the one that adheres to the rules set for it. It is also the one that achieves the goals for which it was set.

How do you write any type of marketing content?

Of course, each of the previously mentioned types of content has a specific method and specific rules that must be adhered to when creating it. But in general, this does not prevent the existence of common general advice when writing any type of marketing content. When applied, we find that we obtain content that has a high level of quality. The most important of these tips are:

1- Do not exaggerate in describing any information within the content.
2- Pay attention to convincing the reader and be careful not to lose credibility and trust.
3- Focus on the topic being talked about. Do not go into unimportant subtopics so as not to distract the client.
4- Paying attention to the other opinion and listening to it.
5- Adherence to ethical rules in speaking.
6- The content must not contain questionable or unreal information.


Thus ends our article today, dear readers, and we hope that you have liked it and that you have gained reasonable benefit from it as well. For greater benefit, we would like to point out that all your inquiries and questions related to the subject of the article are available to write in the comments available on this article. We will also respond to it immediately.
Finally, before we leave you, please do not forget to share the article on your various accounts via various social media programs and applications. This is so that the largest possible number of people interested in the information and ideas we have listed within it will read this article. Thus, the benefit it achieves spreads.

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ياسمين خالد

Authorياسمين خالد

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