Everything you care about marketing for best profits (elements - strategies - business)

ياسمين خالد July 18, 2024 July 21, 2024
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 Welcome to our article dedicated to marketing. We will review together the most important aspects that can be talked about in this field, as we will begin by defining marketing in the beginning, which is:

What is marketing?

Marketing refers to the activities undertaken by a company to promote the purchase or sale of a product or service. Professionals working in the company's marketing and promotion departments also seek to attract the attention of potential customers through advertisements that target promotional offers and may include attractive phrases or slogans, distinctive packaging or graphic designs, and are displayed across all means of promoting products.

Marketing in business

Products are marketed for the direct use of the product, marketing to show how the product is used in general daily life, or for resale of the product to other companies or to the consumer. Marketing goods and services to companies and institutions varies in many ways. There are some similarities with consumer markets, as the nature and characteristics of the labor market, types of consumers, and different purchasing situations that occur in companies, institutions, and customers differ. As well as those involved in the decision-making process and the purchasing process from one company to another largely from the consumer market. These differences often make the normal purchasing process more complicated.

Marketing elements in business

Product, price, place and promotion are the four main elements of marketing. Together, these four elements form the basic mix a company needs to market a product or service.

First: the product

Product refers to the item or items planned to be offered to customers. The product must seek to meet what is missing in the market or meet consumer demand with a larger quantity and distinctive and competitive specifications than the product available to it. So before preparing a suitable advertising campaign for your product. Marketers need to understand the product being sold and how it stands out from its competitors. Whether the product can also be combined with a by-product or production line, and whether there are alternative products on the market.

Second: Price

Price refers to how much a company sells a product for. When determining the price, companies must take into account the unit cost price, marketing costs, and distribution expenses. Companies must also consider the price of competing products in the market and whether their proposed price is sufficient to represent a reasonable alternative to consumers.

Third: Place

Place refers to the distribution of the product. Key considerations include whether the company will sell the product through a brick-and-mortar store, an online store, or both.

Fourth: Promotion

It is an integrated marketing communications campaign. Promotion includes a variety of activities such as advertising, selling, sales promotion, public relations, direct marketing and sponsored sponsorship.

Marketing strategies:

Marketing through your website

Internet marketing is one of the foundations of marketing. If you don't have a website, where will your audience reach you when you redirect them from places like social media or email? Your website acts as the hub for all types of your content marketing. It is also a place to share information about your business, such as contact information and the products and services you provide.

Mobile marketing strategy

Mobile marketing strategy is the marketing campaign that is implemented on various types of mobile devices, such as a smartphone or tablet. Mobile marketing is another type of direct digital marketing because you can reach people directly through their personal devices. And with things like notifications where you can choose the dates and times you want people to hear about your promotions or content.

Partnership with other companies

Partnering with other companies in your industry may open up more marketing opportunities. Working with influencers may help increase your reach with social media marketing. Working with other local businesses to host an event also boosts interest or economics throughout your entire business area which leads to more sales and more job stability.

Traditional marketing strategy

Traditional marketing includes all the strategies used by expert marketers before the spread of the Internet and digital marketing. Despite the heavy focus on pervasive digital trends, offline marketing is not dead for businesses with a local or more technology-resistant audience. Using a healthy balance between traditional and digital marketing methods helps increase your reach and exposure. Some of these traditional strategies include (print advertising - television and radio advertisements - face-to-face marketing).

Public relations marketing

Every time you connect with a lead you create a new relationship. These new relationships connect you with the prospect during every stage of sales. Then, when the leads actually become your customers, you have to work hard to maintain these relationships so that they remain satisfied with you and your activities and build a relationship of loyalty and belonging with them over time. Whoever follows these procedures, diversifies his approach, and innovates, his company will see more positive relationships with its customers, more sales, or more repeat sales and new customers.

Digital publishing

Thanks to digital publishing, it's now easier than ever to create your own publications. Whether you want to create stunning online e-books or a printed newsletter, the options are all at your fingertips, anytime. Creating your own digital publications helps establish you as a thought leader in your industry. It may also be easier to do it yourself. Or work with a dedicated agency for your digital publishing and content needs instead of paying for campaigns.


The above was the most important thing we could talk about marketing. Please remember that you can write any question you have about the topic through the comments that are always available on the article. We respond to these comments immediately. This is in an effort to deepen the benefit of the subject.

We affirm our great gratitude to all of our dear readers who will share the article. This will greatly help in disseminating the article among the largest possible number of people interested in this matter. Wait for us in the next article, as we will review various information about this field that will contribute to building a knowledge base that will make you able to deal well within it.

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ياسمين خالد

Authorياسمين خالد

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